Your trusted church real estate professional.

For over 30 years Dominic Dutra has dedicated his life to real estate and the church.

With expansive experience working across state lines, denominations, and special cases, Dominic finds purpose in solving the most pressing challenges facing congregations today. Mounting maintenance costs and unused real estate shouldn’t determine the impact your church can have.

If you’re interested in learning more about Dominic’s experience or how he can help turn your underutilized real estate into a kingdom gain, reach out today.


Dominic is helping church leaders

reimagine their real estate for

Helping church leaders reimagine their real estate for

Kingdom good

More than ever before, pastors and other faith-based leaders are faced with a seemingly impossible choice: to continue attempts to revive a dying congregation or to die well for the betterment of the kingdom and their local community. Whatever your choice, I would be honored to join you on this Emmaus journey toward what I believe will be a wonderful new beginning.

As more churches struggle post-Covid, many are looking at how their building and property can support their flagging budgets. Yet, according to real estate expert and author Dominic Dutra, if churches are simply leasing or renting their property just to prop up their dwindling budgets - they're only hurting their mission.

Churches are stuck. They don’t know how to enter into a discernment process.... I don’t have all the answers, but I know the conversations that need to happen.
— Dominic Dutra

New Resource

Closing Costs: Reimagining Church Real Estate for Missional Purposes

Dominic Dutra headshot

Many denominations are experiencing devastating declines in attendance, finances, and influence. Thousands of church leaders are watching their congregations grow older, smaller, and, in many cases, whiter than their surrounding communities. Rising costs and decreased giving make it virtually impossible to sustain these organizations—let alone their spiritual mission. But all hope is not lost: death can, and will, bring new life.



I’ve had the privilege of equipping a variety of leaders in organizations, non-profits, churches, mission agencies, and academic institutions, including:

  • Either fill out the contact form or contact me directly.

  • Ask about a FREE one-hour coaching session.

  • Let’s work together to create a plan to maximize your church property.